Water Soluble C60 – Toxicity

Water Soluble C60 – Toxicity

What is Soluble Carbon 60 and is it toxic? Carbon 60 is extremely hydrophobic, meaning it will not dissolve in water. Researchers have been trying for almost 30 years to dissolve C60 molecules in water, without success, until now. Source: ACSPublications...
Surviving Viruses like the Flu

Surviving Viruses like the Flu

Can Antioxidants Help Us Survive Viruses like the Flu? ( surviving viruses like the flu with antioxidants ) Many of the people who die from viruses like the flu, die because of damage to their lungs caused by their own immune systems. The immune system is activated by...
Nanoparticle Toxicity

Nanoparticle Toxicity

Are Nanoparticles toxic? Nanoparticle Toxicity are defined as particles between 1 and 100 nanometers in size. The small size of these particles sometimes makes it difficult for the bodies natural cleansing mechanism to remove them. The body has specialized cells in...
Oxidative Stress in Influenza Virus Infection

Oxidative Stress in Influenza Virus Infection

Antioxidants are an anti-influenza virus infection therapy. Notes by Marshall Thurber Influenza A virus is one of the major causes of respiratory disease pathogens with characteristics of high morbidity and mortality Morbidity is a term used to describe how often...
Fullerene Nanomaterials Inhibit the Allergic Response

Fullerene Nanomaterials Inhibit the Allergic Response

John J. Ryan, Wei Zhao, Gregorio Gomez, et.al., The Journal of Immunology, 2007, 179:665-672, DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.179.1.65 Click here for the PDF File: https://www.bioactivec60.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Fullerene-Inhibits-allergic-response.pdf Fullerene are a...
Fullerene Nanomaterials Inhibit the Allergic Response

Fullerenes C60 Summary of the Dossier – French IOMC

ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORATEJOINT MEETING OF THE CHEMICALS COMMITTEE ANDTHE WORKING PARTY ON CHEMICALS, PESTICIDES, AND BIOTECHNOLOGY(Fullerenes C60 Summary of the Dossier – French IOMC). Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No. 69 01-Jul-2016...