Would you like to live a more youthful & fuller life?
Carbon 60 (C60) is the smallest and most effective antioxidant known to exist. C60 acts like a free radical sponge. It neutralizes free radicals throughout the body.
- POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT. 300x stronger than Vitamin C
5x stronger than turmeric. - PATENT-PENDING EASY-TO-TAKE STRIPS. Fully soluble Carbon 60 (maximal bioactivity). Carry the 30-pack in your pocket or purse. No messy oils to measure or spill. Great minty taste!
- SAFE AND LONG LASTING. Solvent-free. Can be stored for over a year in the pouch. Will not go rancid like other products. Does not need refrigeration.
- MORE BIOACTIVE THAN LEADING BRANDS. Up to 40 times more bioactive (non-clumping formulation). Not magnetically stirred. Not made with solvents.
- MADE IN THE USA. Produced using 99.99% pure Carbon 60 (C60)
Free radicals are useful at a low level. However, they become elevated to unhealthy levels by pollution (air, water, food), air travel (cosmic radiation), intense exercise, increased exposure to sun, and other sources. Free radicals are involved in as many as 100 human degenerative conditions and diseases, including viruses including the flu, chronic inflammation and cancer.
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C60 is the smallest and most effective antioxidant known to exist.
Antioxidants enhance and moderate immune function. Antioxidants represent a therapeutic option to fight influenza.
Free radicals are useful at a low level. However, they become elevated to unhealthy levels by pollution (air, water, food), air travel (cosmic radiation), intense exercise, increased exposure to sun, and other sources.

Free radicals are involved in as many as 100 human degenerative conditions and diseases, including viruses like the flu, chronic inflammation and cancer.